Super-secure Revo stinger
The Revo’s silicone exhaust tip slips off too easily, so I helped it stay put by flaring the end of the exhaust with the round shank of a screwdriver. I inserted the shank into the pipe, pulled it against the edge of the stinger and then rotated it around the opening. I cinched the extension down with two zip-ties, and now I won’t have to search for a lost exhaust extension again |
The Revo's silicone exhaust tip slips off too easily, so I helped it stay put by flaring the end of the exhaust with the round shank of a screwdriver. I inserted the shank into the pipe, pulled it against the edge of the stinger and then rotated it around the opening. I cinched the extension down with two zip-ties, and now I won't have to search for a lost exhaust extension again
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