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Axial SCX10 III Upgrades

Here are some great upgrade parts that are available for the Axial SCX10 III. These items are available at Pro-Line Racing Big Bore Scaler Shocks (90mm-95mm) P/N# 6343-00 MSRP: $80 Spektrum DX5 Rugged 5-Channel DSMR Transmitter with SR515 P/N# SPM5200 MSRP: $230 Spektrum S6290 Standard Digital HV Ultra Speed Metal Gear Surface Servo P/N# SPMSS6290 MSRP: $170 Pro-Line Racing Scale Recovery Tow Strap with Duffel Bag P/N# 6314 MSRP: $23 Pro-Line Racing BFGoodrich All-Terrain...


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